3.2 Accessing MODIS Data products

Table of Contents

    3.2.1 Introduction

    [up to 3.0]

    In this section, you will learn how to:

    • scan the directories (on the Earthdata server) where the MODIS data are stored
    • get the dataset filename for a given tile, date and product
    • get to URL associated with the dataset
    • use the URL to pull the dataset over to store in the local file system

    You should already know:

    • basic use of Python (sections 1 and 2)

    • the MODIS product grid system

    • the two tiles needed to cover the UK

      tiles = ['h17v03', 'h18v03']
    • what LAI is and the code for the MODIS LAI/FPAR product MOD15

    • your username and password for NASA Earthdata, or have previously entered this with `cylog <geog0111/cylog.py>`__.

    Let’s first just test your NASA login:

    import geog0111.nasa_requests as nasa_requests
    from geog0111.cylog import cylog
    url = 'https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2018.09.30/'
    # grab the HTML information
        html = nasa_requests.get(url).text
        # test a few lines of the html
        if html[:20] == '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLI':
            print('this seems to be ok ... ')
            print('use cylog().login() anywhere you need to specify the tuple (username,password)')
        print('login error ... try entering your username password again')
        print('then re-run this cell until it works')

    We use the local class geog0111.nrequests here, in place of the usual requests as this lets the user avoid exposure to some of the tricky bits of getting data from the NASA server.

    3.2.2 Accessing NASA MODIS URLs

    Although you can access MODIS datasets through the NASA Earthdata interface, there are many occasions that we would want to just automatically pull datasets. This is particularly true when you want a time series of data that might involve many files. For example, for analysing LAI or other variables over space/time) we will want to write code that pulls the time series of data.

    This is also something you will need to do the your assessed practical.

    If the data we want to use are accessible to us as a URL, we can simply use requests as in previous exercises.

    Sometimes, we will be able to specify the parameters of the dataset we want, e.g. using JSON. At othertimes (as in the case here) we might need to do a little work ourselves to construct the particular URL we want.

    If you visit the site https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006, you will see ‘date’ style links (e.g. 2018.09.30) through to sub-directories.

    In these, e.g. https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2018.09.30/ you will find URLs of a set of files.

    The files pointed to by the URLs are the MODIS MOD15 4-day composite 500 m LAI/FPAR product MCD15A3H.

    There are links to several datasets on the page, including ‘quicklook files’ that are jpeg format images of the datasets, e.g.:



    as well as xml files and hdf datasets. datetime

    The URL we have used above, https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2018.09.30/ starts with a call to the server directory MOTA, so we can think of https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA asd the base level URL.

    The rest of the directoy information MCD15A3H.006/2018.09.30 tells us:

    • the product name MCD15A3H
    • the product version 006
    • the date of the dataset 2018.09.30

    There are several ways we could specify the date information. The most ‘human readable’ is probably YYYY.MM.DD as given here.

    Sometimes we will want to refer to it by ‘day of year’ (doy) (sometimes mistakenly referred to as Julian day) for a particular year. Day of year will be an integer that goes from 1 to 365 or 366 (inclusive).

    We can use the Python datetime to do this:

    import datetime

    year = 2018

    for doy in [1,60,365,366]: # set it up as Jan 1st, plus doy - 1 d = datetime.datetime(year,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(doy-1)

    # note the careful formatting to include zeros in datestr
    datestr = f'{d.year:4d}.{d.month:02d}.{d.day:02d}'
    print(f'doy {doy:3d} in {year} is {datestr}')

    Exercise 3.2.1

    • copy the above code, and change the year to a leap year to see if it works as expected
    • write some code that loops over each day in the year and converts from doy to the format of datestr above.
    • modify the code so that it forms the full directory URL for the MODIS dataset, e.g. https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2018.09.30/ for each doy
    • use what you have learned to write a function called get_url(), which you give the year and day of year and which returns the full URL. It should use keywords to define product, version and base_url.
    • For homework, tidy up your function, making sure you document it properly. Think aboiut what might happen if you enter incorrect information.


    1. number of days in year

      ndays_in_year = (datetime.datetime(year,12,31) - datetime.datetime(year,1,1)).days + 1

    Remember that doy goes from 1 to 365 or 366 (inclusive).

    1. datestr format

    We use datestr = f'{d.year:4d}.{d.month:02d}.{d.day:02d}' as the date string format. The elements such as {d.year:4d} mean that d.year is interpreted as an integer (d) of length 4. When we put a 0 in front, such as in 02d the resultant string is ‘padded’ with 0. Try something like:

    value = 10
    1. some bigger hints …

    To get the full URL, you will probably want to define something along the lines of:

    url = f'{base_url}/{product}.{version:03d}/{datestr}'

    assuming version is an integer.

    # do exercise here
    import datetime
    # leap year
    # so we expect Dec 31st is doy 366
    year = 2004
    for doy in [1,60,365,366]:
    # set it up as Jan 1st, plus doy - 1
        d = datetime.datetime(year,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(doy-1)
        # note the careful formatting to include zeros in datestr
        datestr = f'{d.year:4d}.{d.month:02d}.{d.day:02d}'
        filestr = 'https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/' + datestr
        print(f'doy {doy:3d} in {year} is {filestr}')
    def get_url(year,doy,basestr='https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/'):
        which you give the year and day of year and which returns the full URL.
        It should use keywords to define product, version and base_url
        d = datetime.datetime(year,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(doy-1)
        datestr = f'{d.year:4d}.{d.month:02d}.{d.day:02d}'
        filestr = basestr + datestr
    doy   1 in 2004 is https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2004.01.01
    doy  60 in 2004 is https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2004.02.29
    doy 365 in 2004 is https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2004.12.30
    doy 366 in 2004 is https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2004.12.31

    When we access this ‘listing’ (directory links such as https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD15A3H.006/2018.09.30/) from Python, we will obtain the information in HTML. We don’t expect you to know this language in any great depth, but knowing some of the basics is oftem useful.

    import geog0111.nasa_requests as nasa_requests
    from geog0111.get_url import get_url
    import datetime
    doy,year = 273,2018
    # use your get_url function
    # or the one supplied in geog0111
    url = get_url(doy,year).url
    # pull the html
    html = nasa_requests.get(url).text
    # print a few lines of the html
    # etc
    # at the end

    In HTML the code text such as:

    <a href="MCD15A3H.A2018273.h35v10.006.2018278143650.hdf">MCD15A3H.A2018273.h35v10.006.2018278143650.hdf</a>

    specifies an HTML link, that will appear as

    MCD15A3H.A2018273.h35v10.006.2018278143650.hdf 2018-10-05 09:42  7.6K

    and link to the URL specified in the href field: MCD15A3H.A2018273.h35v10.006.2018278143650.hdf.

    We could interpret this information by searching for strings etc., but the package BeautifulSoup can help us a lot in this.

    import geog0111.nasa_requests as nasa_requests
    from geog0111.get_url import get_url
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    doy,year = 273,2018
    url = get_url(doy,year).url
    html = nasa_requests.get(url).text
    # use BeautifulSoup
    # to get all urls referenced with
    # html code <a href="some_url">
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml')
    links = [mylink.attrs['href'] for mylink in soup.find_all('a')]

    Exercise E3.2.2

    • copy the code in the block above and print out some of the linformation in the list links (e.g. the last 20 entries)
    • using an implicit loop, make a list called hdf_filenames of only those filenames (links) that have hdf as their filename extension.

    Hint 1: first you might select an example item from the links list:

    item = links[-1]
    print('item is',item)

    and print:


    but maybe better (why would this be?) is:


    Hint 2: An implicit loop is a construct of the form:

    [item for item in links]

    In an implicit for loop, we can actually add a conditional statement if we like, e.g. try:

    hdf_filenames = [item for item in links if item[-5] == '4']

    This will print out item if the condition item[-5] == '4' is met. That’s a bit of a pointless test, but illustrates the pattern required. Try this now with the condition you want to use to select hdf files.

    # do exercise here
    # ANSWER
    import geog0111.nasa_requests as nasa_requests
    from geog0111.get_url import get_url
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    doy,year = 273,2018
    url = get_url(doy,year).url
    html = nasa_requests.get(url).text
    # use BeautifulSoup
    # to get all urls referenced with
    # html code <a href="some_url">
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml')
    links = [mylink.attrs['href'] for mylink in soup.find_all('a')]
    hdfs = [mylink.attrs['href'] for mylink in soup.find_all('a') if mylink.attrs['href'].split('.')[-1] == 'hdf']

    3.2.3 MODIS filename format

    The hdf filenames are of the form:



    • the first field (MCD15A3H) gives the product code
    • the second (A2018273) gives the observation date: day of year 273, 2018 here
    • the third (h35v10) gives the ‘MODIS tile’ code for the data location
    • the remaining fields specify the product version number (006) and a code representing the processing date.

    If we want a particular dataset, we would assume then that we know the information to construct the first four fields.

    We then have the task remaining of finding an address of the pattern:


    where * represents a wildcard (unknown element of the URL/filename).

    Putting together the code from above to get a list of the hdf files:

    #from geog0111.nasa_requests import nasa_requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    from geog0111.get_url import get_url
    import geog0111.nasa_requests as nasa_requests
    doy,year = 273,2018
    url = get_url(doy,year).url
    html = nasa_requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml')
    links = [mylink.attrs['href'] for mylink in soup.find_all('a')]
    # get all files that end 'hdf' as in example above
    hdf_filenames = [item for item in links if item.split('.')[-1] == 'hdf']

    We now want to specify a particular tile or tiles to access.

    In this case, we want to look at the field item.split('.')[-4] and check to see if it is the list tiles.

    Exercise 3.2.3

    • copy the code above and print out the first 10 values in the list hdf_filenames. Can you recognise where the tile information is in the string?

    Now, let’s check what we get when we look at item.split('.')[-4].

    • set a variable called tiles containing the names of the UK tiles (as in Exercise 3.1.1)
    • write a loop for item in links: to loop over each item in the list links
    • inside this loop set the condition if item.split('.')[-1] == 'hdf': to select only hdf files, as above
    • inside this conditional statement, print out item.split('.')[-4] to see if it looks like the tile names
    • having confirmed that you are getting the right information, add another conditional statement to see if item.split('.')[-4] in tiles, and then print only those filenames that pass both of your tests
    • see if you can combine the two tests (the two if statements) into a single one

    Hint 1: if you print all of the tilenames, this will go on for quite some time. Instead it may be better to use print(item.split('.')[-4],end=' '), which will put a space, rather than a newline between each item printed.

    Hint 2: recall what the logical statement (A and B) gives when thinking about the combined if statement

    # do exercise here
    # ANSWER
    hdf_filenames = [item for item in links if item.split('.')[-1] == 'hdf']
    print hdf_filenames[-20:]

    You should end up with something like:

    import geog0111.nasa_requests as nasa_requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    from geog0111.get_url import get_url
    doy,year = 273,2018
    tiles = ['h17v03', 'h18v03']
    url = get_url(doy,year).url
    html = nasa_requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml')
    links = [mylink.attrs['href'] for mylink in soup.find_all('a')]
    tile_filenames = [item for item in links \
                          if (item.split('.')[-1] == 'hdf') and \
                             (item.split('.')[-4] in tiles)]

    Exercise E3.2.4

    • print out the first 10 items in tile_filenames and check the result is as you expect.
    • write a function called modis_tiles() that takes as input doy, year and tiles and returns a list of the modis tile urls.


    1. Don’t forget to put in a mechanism to allow you to change the default base_url, product and version (as you did for the function get_url())

    2. In some circumstances, yopu can get repeats of filenames in the list. One way to get around this is to convert the list to a numpy array, and use `np.unique() <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.15.0/reference/generated/numpy.unique.html>`__ to remove duplicates.

      import numpy as np
      tile_filenames = np.unique(tile_filenames)
    # do exercise here

    You should end up with something like:

    from geog0111.modis_tiles import modis_tiles
    doy,year = 273,2018
    tiles = ['h17v03', 'h18v03']
    tile_urls = modis_tiles(doy,year,tiles)

    Exercise E3.2.5

    • print out the first 10 items in tile_urls and check the result is as you expect.
    # do exercise here

    3.2.4 Saving binary data to a file

    We suppose that we want to save the dataset to a local file on the system.

    To do that, we need to know how to save a binary dataset to a file. To do this well, we should also consider factors such as whether we want to save a file we already have.

    Before we go any further we should check:

    • that the directory exists (if not, create it)
    • that the file doesn’t already exist (else, don’t bother)

    We can conveniently use methods in `pathlib.Path <https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html>`__ for this.

    So, import Path:

    from pathlib import Path

    We suppose we might want to put a file (variable filename) into the directory destination_folder:

    To test if a directory exists and create if not:

    dest_path = Path(destination_folder)
    if not dest_path.exists():

    To make a compound name of dest_path and filename:

    output_fname = dest_path.joinpath(filename)

    To test if a file exists:

    if not output_fname.exists():
        print(f"{str(output_fname))} doesn't exist yet ..."})

    Exercise E3.2.6

    • set a variable destination_folder to data and write code to create this folder (‘directory’) if it doesn’t already exist.
    • set a variable filename to test.bin and write code to check to see if this file is in the folder destination_folder. If not, print a message to say so.
    # do exercise here

    We now try to read the binary file data/test_image.bin.

    This involves opening a binary file for reading:

    fp = open(input_fname, 'rb')

    Then reading the data:

    data = fp.read()

    Then close fp

    input_fname = 'data/test_image.bin'
    fp = open(input_fname, 'rb')
    data = fp.read()
    print(f'data read is {len(data)} bytes')
    data read is 9136806 bytes

    And now, write the data as data/test.bin.

    This involves opening a binary file for writing:

    fp = open(output_fname, 'wb')

    Then reading the data:

    d = fp.write(data)

    and closing as before:

    output_fname = 'data/test.bin'
    fp = open(output_fname, 'wb')
    d = fp.write(data)
    print(f'data written is {d} bytes')
    data written is 9136806 bytes

    We can avoid the need for the close by using the construct:

    with open(output_fname, 'wb') as fp:
        d = fp.write(data)
    d = 0
    with open(output_fname, 'wb') as fp:
        d = fp.write(data)
    print(f'data written is {d} bytes')
    data written is 9136806 bytes

    Exercise E3.2.7

    With the ideas above, write some code to:

    • check to see if the output directory data exists
    • if not, create it
    • check to see if the input file data/test_image.bin exists
    • if so, read it in to data
    • check to see if the output file data/test.bin exists
    • if not (and if you read data), save data to this file
    • once you are happy with the code operation, write a function: save_data(data,filename,destination_folder) that takes the binary dataset data and writes it to the file filename in directory destination_folder. It should return the n umber of bytes written, and should check to see if files / directories exist and act accordingly.
    • add a keyword option to save_data() that will overwrite the filename, even if it already exists.
    # do exercise here

    You should now know how to save a binary data file.

    3.2.4 downloading the data file

    The following code uses the nasa_requests library to pull some binary data from a URL.

    The response is tested (r.ok), and if it is ok, then we split the url to derive the filename, and print this out.

    The binary dataset is available as r.content, which we store to the variable data here:

    import geog0111.nasa_requests as nasa_requests
    from geog0111.modis_tiles import modis_tiles
    from pathlib import Path
    doy,year = 273,2018
    tiles = ['h17v03', 'h18v03']
    destination_folder = 'data'
    tile_urls = modis_tiles(doy,year,tiles)
    # loop over urls
    for url in tile_urls:
        r = nasa_requests.get(url)
        # check response
        if r.ok:
            # get the filename from the url
            filename = url.split('/')[-1]
            # get the binary data
            data = r.content
            print (f'response from {url} not good')

    Exercise E3.2.8

    • use the code above to write a function get_modis_files() that takes as input doy, year and tiles, has a default destination_folder of data, that downloads the appropriate datasets (if they don’t already exist). It should have similar defaults to modis_tiles(). It should return a list of the output filenames.
    # do exercise here

    You should end up with something like:

    import geog0111.nasa_requests as nasa_requests
    from geog0111.save_data import save_data
    doy,year = 273,2018
    tiles = ['h17v03', 'h18v03']
    destination_folder = 'data'
    tile_urls = modis_tiles(doy,year,tiles)
    # loop over urls
    for url in tile_urls:
        r = nasa_requests.get(url)
        # check response
        if r.ok:
            # get the filename from the url
            filename = url.split('/')[-1]
            # get the binary data
            d = save_data(r.content,filename,destination_folder)
            print (f'response from {url} not good')
    MCD15A3H.A2018273.h17v03.006.2018278143630.hdf 0
    MCD15A3H.A2018273.h18v03.006.2018278143633.hdf 0

    3.2.5 Visualisation

    We will learn more fully how to visualise these later, but just to show that the datasets exist.

    You might want to look at the FIPS country codes for selecting boundary data.

    import requests
    import shutil
    Get the world borders shapefile that we will need
    tm_borders_url = "http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.zip"
    r = requests.get(tm_borders_url)
    with open("data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.zip", 'wb') as fp:
        fp.write (r.content)
    from geog0111.get_modis_files import get_modis_files
    import gdal
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    def mosaic_and_mask_data(gdal_fnames, vector_file, vector_where):
        stitch_vrt = gdal.BuildVRT("", gdal_fnames)
        g = gdal.Warp("", stitch_vrt,
                     format = 'MEM', dstNodata=200,
                      cutlineDSName = vector_file,
                      cutlineWhere = vector_where)
        return g
    doy,year = 273,2018
    tiles = ['h17v03', 'h18v03']
    destination_folder = 'data'
    filenames = get_modis_files(doy,year,tiles,base_url='https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA',\
    # this part is to access a particular dataset in the file
    gdal_fnames = [f'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{file_name:s}":MOD_Grid_MCD15A3H:Lai_500m'
                   for file_name in filenames]
    g = mosaic_and_mask_data(gdal_fnames, "data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp",
    lai = np.array(g.ReadAsArray()).astype(float) * 0.1 # for LAI scaling
    # valid data mask
    mask = np.nonzero(lai < 20)
    min_y = mask[0].min()
    max_y = mask[0].max() + 1
    min_x = mask[1].min()
    max_x = mask[1].max() + 1
    lai = lai[min_y:max_y,
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
    im = plt.imshow(lai, interpolation="nearest", vmin=0, vmax=6,
    plt.title('LAI'+' '+str(tiles)+' '+str((doy,year)))
    <matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1196614a8>
    from geog0111.get_modis_files import get_modis_files
    import gdal
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    def mosaic_and_mask_data(gdal_fnames, vector_file, vector_where):
        stitch_vrt = gdal.BuildVRT("", gdal_fnames)
        g = gdal.Warp("", stitch_vrt,
                     format = 'MEM', dstNodata=200,
                      cutlineDSName = vector_file,
                      cutlineWhere = vector_where)
        return g
    doy,year = 273,2018
    tiles = ['h17v03', 'h18v03']
    destination_folder = 'data'
    filenames = get_modis_files(doy,year,tiles,base_url='https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA',\
    # this part is to access a particular dataset in the file
    gdal_fnames = [f'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{file_name:s}":MOD_Grid_MCD15A3H:Lai_500m'
                   for file_name in filenames]
    g = mosaic_and_mask_data(gdal_fnames, "data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp",
    lai = np.array(g.ReadAsArray()).astype(float) * 0.1 # for LAI scaling
    # valid data mask
    mask = np.nonzero(lai < 20)
    min_y = mask[0].min()
    max_y = mask[0].max() + 1
    min_x = mask[1].min()
    max_x = mask[1].max() + 1
    lai = lai[min_y:max_y,
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
    im = plt.imshow(lai, interpolation="nearest", vmin=0, vmax=6,
    plt.title('LAI'+' '+str(tiles)+' '+str((doy,year)))
    <matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x119591940>

    Exercise 3.2.7 Homework

    Hint: * The data are on a different server https://n5eil01u.ecs.nsidc.org/MOST * the template for the snow cover dataxset is f'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{file_name:s}":MOD_Grid_Snow_500m:NDSI_Snow_Cover' * today-10 may not be the best example doy: choose something in winter * valid snow cover values are 0 to 100 (use this to set vmin=0, vmax=100 when plotting)

    N.B. You will be required to download this dataset for your assessed practical, so it is a good idea to sort code for this now

    # do exercise here

    3.2.6 Summary

    In this session, we have learned how to download MODIS datasets from NASA Earthdata.

    We have developed and tested functions that group together the commands we want, ultimately arriving at the function get_modis_files(doy,year,tiles,**kwargs).

    We have seen ((if you’ve done the homework) that such code is re-useable and can directly be used for your assessed practical.